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Brief info about Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas Solid Project Mod


Fallout: New Vegas is an open-world action RPG from 2010, set in a post apocalyptic 1950's inspired future. The story takes place in and around a completely devastated Las Vegas, Nevada (plus parts of Arizona & California), know in-game as the 'Mojave Desert'. Even though the Fallout franchise was bought by Bethesda a couple of years earlier, and Bethesda made Fallout 3 in 2008 them selves, Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment, and had several of the developers from the original Fallout 1 & 2 on board. Fallout: New Vegas is considered by many to be the best game in the series so far. (2018) It has a lot of 'Old fallout' feel to it, even though it runs on Bethesda's Gamebryo engine like Fallout 3. In my opinion, Obsidian actually did a better job utilizing the engine than Bethesda did them selves with Fallout 3.
The story of New Vegas takes place in 2281, 4 years after the events of Fallout 3, and 204 years after 'The Great War'. The player is started off as a Courier, transporting a package across the Mojave Desert to New Vegas city. The Courier is ambushed, robbed, shot and left to die in the desert, but somehow survives. After being found by a local scavenger and brought to a doctor, the player starts his/her journey to find the killers and find the stolen package. The journey will get the player mixed up in a conflict about control over the city of New Vegas and the Mojave Wasteland.

Fallout New Vegas Solid Project Install

Hey I'm new to the thread here and i'm trying to play TTW with the Solid project mod but when I load in I get an error saying my JIP plugin isn't a recent enough version.
first when the main menu loads i get an error message saying

Fallout New Vegas Solid Project Not Working

Your installation has issues with writing information to .ini files on your hard drive. You may have issues with restoring mouse sensitivity. You can try disabling your Antivirus software or move Fallout:NV from your Program Files folder.
When I load in I get an error message saying

Fallout New Vegas Mods Pc

Solid Project is not loaded. Issues::
--JiP plugin V54.91 or later required (YOUR VERSION IS 54.65)--
Debug log is blocked. if you want to recieve support for this mod you need to exit game and fix the issues.
and the last message i get:

Solid Project Nv

Your JiP version is probably not the latest. Please download latest JiP and reinstall it manually.

Fallout New Vegas Free Download

I had the most recent version of JiP installed and even tried downloading V54.91 and nothing changed. Would appreciate if somebody would help me out here, Thanks.